How Women Regardless of Size, Shape, or Weight...Can Gain
 (Without Dieting, Deprivation or Compulsive Exercise,
Even If They Have Failed Over and Over Again) 

Get Clear on your Visions and Goals
Discover what tools, strategies and actionable steps that will work best specifically for YOU.
Get specific and clear on how the Body Joyful Solution can help you become the best version of yourself, while saying NO to diets, diet culture and reject society's thin ideal
Amazon Overview:

"Anne Poirier's The Body Joyful is a game changer.  It is an anti-diet book, a rejector of society's thin ideal and a new perspective in a Covid world.  It provides insights, strategies and is a roadmap to help you shift the way you think, act and live. Inspiring and empowering this relatable story offers the reader permission to find self- worth, hope, healing and transformation regardless of weight, size or shape."
“The body Joyful is exactly what the Doctor ordered to combat the lies that we as women feed ourselves. Anne speaks directly to your soul.  As someone who has struggled with body image and a poor relationship with food, this book was for me.  Thank you Anne for sharing this gem with the world”
Achea Redd, 
Author of Be Free, Be You and Authentic You
Founder of the blog Real Girls F.A.R.T.
“This inspiring motivational book will help you unlock your self-confidence and feel wonderful
about yourself. You learn that you have no limits!”

Brian Tracy
Author, Speaker, Consultant
Name:  Abbe G., co-founder Anxiety Sisters Struggle:  Body Hate + DietingResult: Feels more comfortable and confident in body and self. 
Ready and excited to Step-up and Into Her Book Launch

“ Anne is one of the most compassionate, warm, creative and wise health professionals I have ever met. Working with her has been life-changing.”  

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Qualified In 
